Words4EV.speak 1.0 (en)

Other language for this dimension : fr


Leak is a very fluctuant sound and very directive, rather high-frequency and high in level. It is emerging from a background noise and is characterized by thin bands instead of broad bands noise. It is in particular more directive, more high-frequency and more identifiable but less fluctuant than “Load”. It is more fluctuant and as emerging as “Aeroacoustic whistling”. Its directivity and its level, dependant of the vehicle speed, are annoying aspects if not unacceptable of the Leak. It worsens the cocoon effect, the reassuring and insulating aspect of the cabin. Leak is a sound from aerodynamic origin, caused by a failure in the airtightness.


Fenêtre entre-ouverte 00:00


Fenêtre entre-ouverte - isolé 00:00


Fuite gauche - Synthèse Essentielle 00:00