Words4EV.speak 1.0 (en)

Other language for this dimension : fr


Load corresponds to a broad band noise, slightly level fluctuating, medium or high-frequency and can be directive. A very turbulent flow would result in a flap-flap effect also called load gust. A very directive flow is similar to a “leak”. Load is a common sound, it can be likened to background noise, its level increases with vehicle speed, making it uncomfortable and worsen intelligibility. Prevailing above 80 km/h, it is produced by the turbulent aspect of the air flow that excites some car assets such as rear-view mirrors, pillars or windshield.


Bouffées de chargement 00:00


Rétroviseur en Soufflerie 2 00:00
Rétroviseur en Soufflerie 00:00


Bouffées de chargement - Synthèse Essentielle 00:00
Bourdonnement - Synthèse Essentielle 00:00